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    Making a withdrawal from your karma account.

    I’ve been having a difficult time in my life just recently. Its helped create a lot of doubt in myself, and not a lot of looking forward. I’m unsure about where I will be, where I will live, that sort of thing. Even who I am. Its been difficult, and I’ve been sad a lot. I got an email from someone today that really helped me. A woman I never met found me on facebook, and sent this from her “things about me” note that has been going around a lot. She sent the note to me, explaining that I was the anonymous person she mentioned in it. The reason…

  • Uncategorized

    History lesson.

    Years ago before I really knew what I wanted to do with my life, I was living the life of what the media called “A Slacker”. I was out of college for a few years by then, and had tried different things, mostly things other people had told me I would do well at. None of it was art, or teaching, or computers, the things I went to school for. I was sick of the city, my father who was living alone in the house I grew up in on Cape Cod called me one day and suggested I move home for a while. This coincided so well with my…

  • Life

    Favorite ‘Story Songs’

    Based on a creative idea from Gedeon Maheux of iconfactory fame, here is my (horribly late) Story Songs post. Please be kind. I thought it would only be fair to use the songs I thought of right off the bat when Ged first mentioned the idea. However I feel compelled to explain a bit about where they come from. I liked the idea of the blog post first because it sounded fun and would get me motivated to write a little something, but I also liked it because I’ve always been a fan of songs with a little novelty to them. I think its something that could paint me in…

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    I don’t wanna grow up.

    When I’m lyin’ in my bed at night I don’t wanna grow up. Nothin ever seems to turn out right I don’t wanna grow up. How do you move in a world of fog That’s always changing things Makes me wish that I could be a dog When I see the price that you pay I don’t wanna grow up. I dont ever wanna be that way I don’t wanna grow up. Seems like folks turn into things That theyd never want The only thing to live for Is today… Im gonna put a hole in my tv set I don’t wanna grow up. Open up the medicine chest And…

  • Uncategorized

    Perfect Sunday

    Perfect Sunday, originally uploaded by dvsjr. My favorite thing to do on the weekend is to get up on Sunday morning and cook for the boys. I don’t cook for my wife especially, only because she doesn’t eat the same things and with the appreciation and gusto that teenage boys do. I do make her coffee, with milk, the way she likes, and I bring it up to her, either in bed or to her office where she is working or sewing. On Sundays I rise and go downstairs, take out the bowls and pans. I make biscuits from scratch, and almost always slow cook bacon. I cut fruit and…

  • Mac

    It’s A/UX night kids. Let’s get to it!

    Man how weird. I finished up a long week, I feel good that I got lots done, but I also feel like my time just isn’t my own. I’m supposed to help out the nice old lady next door with her new PC and wireless router, but frankly I’d rather stick needles in my eyes. It’s friday night, I’d love a beer but tomorrow is the work Halloween party, so drinking tonight would just be silly. I’m exhausted but bored and a little restless. The teenager has his GF over, which really makes me uncomfortable in our small house, so its down to the basement Lab I go. Julie is…

  • Mac

    Right on schedule

    Track Shipments/FedEx Kinko’s Orders Detailed Results Printable Version Quick Help Ship date Oct 25, 2007 Estimated delivery Oct 26, 2007 by 10:30 AM Destination MA Service type Priority Overnight Status In transit

  • Mac

    An interesting point about the current state of the macintosh.

    I’ve always been fascinated by computer viruses. I’ve read lots of books, and in my job, used to take great delight in the challenge of removing them from friends/coworkers computers. This goes back to when I was living in NYC. I used to post to the antivirus newsgroups, I’ve communicated via email back and forth a few times with Dr. Solomon, emailed Robert Morris at MIT like some sad groupie (under the pretense of asking him if it was ok to use the MIT NTP servers which he was in charge of at the time) saved a woman’s doctoral thesis from an attached virus and certain doom, stuff like that.…