SONNET SPEAK Howard comes up and says, "I saw that homeless guy again today. He asked me for a cigarette I said 'Don't smoke, but how about a Milky Way'? He said that sugar makes him nuts and led--" "Holy shit, How, what the fuck are you doing?" "What?" "What you just said." "What about it." Karen says, "You're talking in sonnets. Pretty odd." He repeats it to himself: "I saw that homeless guy again today, He asked me for a cigarette. I said, 'Don't smoke, but how about a Milky Way?' He said that sugar makes him nuts and led--" Howard laughs. "Cool. That and fifty cents..." "Weird shit, How," says Karen. "I used to talk in fairy tales." "Don't say it," says Maria. "Really? When did that start?" "Oh, once upon a time." Maria covers her ears and starts. She can't take the Monty Python shit. [Look out of any window, any morning, any evening, any day. Maybe the sun is shining, birds are singing, No rain is falling from a heavy sky. What do you want me to do, to do for you to see you through? For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon, long ago.] "So what else about the homeless guy? Finish it." "He said that sugar makes him nuts and led Me to his place behind a coffee shop. I know it isn't much but hey, it's home." "This really happened?, said Maria. "No way." "Let him finish." "Finish? That's it. He took the Milky Bar and I split." "Weird. Weird-ass shit."