RASSLIN' Rich, tell us about when you were just a grade-schooler Oh please please please please please. . . Oh all right then. I was about 12 years old. Our gym teacher's name was Mr. Nelok (pronounced knee-lock). Actually, the story revolves around Mr. Nelok. Now, most gym teachers vary their activities with the seasons(you know, baseball, then basketball, then football). Well, not old Nelok. All he ever wanted us to do was wrestle(he pronounced it 'rassle') He'd sit there in his chair with a windbreaker on his lap (funny, he always kept it there, even during the long, sticky summer months when it was uncomfortably hot) and look over his gym-full of writhing, twisted-up twelve- year-olds and say, "Rassle, boys. That's it, rassle. Just rassle. Good. Now let's all hit the showers." "But you can't shower, too," we'd always say, playing the game he so enjoyed, "you're a grownup." "Am not," he'd say. "I'm just a little boy. And I've been very naughty." Ah, glory days. THANKSGIVING