HAIR CLUB FOR MEN VS POSTMODERN FICTION AND CRITICISM HAIR CLUB FOR MEN POSTMODERN FICTION AND CRITICISM ------------------ ----------------------- Whether wet right out of the Post-structuralist thought shower, or blow-dried, it feels about as natural as looks and feels natural, just circumcising(or like a part of you. mastectomizing oneself(or with a rusty can. "Hair Club's new polyfuse Derrida will often coin method literally fuses new words, top-quality human hair "pharmakon", "differance" to your own hair." when the old ones aren't doing what he wants them to. This is a characteristic Derrida move and is certainly nothing woth losing hair over. POSTMODERN FICTION HAIR CLUB FOR MEN AND CRITICISM --------------------------------- ---------------------------- Feminists have borrowed from post- "Even when you feel it, feel structuralism the conviction that around the perimeter of reality is inherently unstable and your head, you really the complementary claim that cannot feel anything in language offers the only partial your hair." truth of it that we may hope to know--and they have expanded the attack on logocentrism into an attack on "phallocentrism". Thus the illusion that the human mind can identify and understand an independent reality becomes a specifically male pretension to intellectual domination, which must inevitably end in the marginalization and obliteration of Woman, and all Western thought becomes inherently "phallocentric". One also notices in many of Derrida's writings that he will use what he writes in the margins to comment on the body. Derrida will often use a word and That guy from "Eraserhead" immediately cross it out to achieve had really bitchin' hair. desired effect, a technique he calls "sous rasure", meaning 'under erasure' HAIR CLUB FOR MEN POSTMODERN FICTION AND CRITICISM ------------------ -----------------------"It really gave me more ways to Deconstruction is very be able to do my hair, and I can do fashionable. Especially it in more of a nineties fashion." in France, and at Yale. A new healthy head of hair can Postmodernism can enew confidence and improve self- dash what little esteem. It may also bring out the self-esteem you may best of who you are. have to rubble, as you find yourself struggling to grasp the concept of the 'trace'. Make sure you call Hair Club's The Tel Quel group toll-free number to receive has no 800 number their new brochure<800-274- but, to be fair, 4133>. It's loaded with you can usually find information so you can make a post-modernist on most the right choice for yourself. any 900 line. And by the way, Sy is not only the hair club president, he's also a client. Sy Sperling boasts a lovely, Foucault was bald. full head of hair. A nice head of hair can The writers, of the add character. so-called 'nouveau roman', or 'new novel' (Robbes-Grillet et al) pride themselves on eschewing traditional devices of narrative, such as plot, setting and characters. One last time then: This is your brain: sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex Kriss Kross'll make you jump,jumpex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex what time is it sex sex sex sex sex sex I'm starved sex sex sex sex sex This is your brain on the post-modern novel: pain fin-de-siecle angst alienation huh? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz