BIG DARK EYES I'd just gotten my driver's license and was working with my friend James as a waiter in that retirement place. One of the waitresses there, Lisa, a sophomore from a rival high school, was always talking to James about me. She had jet-black hair and dark wild eyes. She asked him, "Well, if I asked him out, what would he expect?" "Sex," said James. That night, she asked me to go out. I told her I'd pick her up Friday night. Pulled up in the very cool Plymouth Fury, that shade of green that is found nowhere in nature. She was in jeans and a sweatshirt. Fine. Somehow, James and I both had given her the impression that I was much more experienced than I was. So, despite the fact that I was the one with the still-intact maidenhead, she was the nervous, jumpy one. This relaxed me greatly. "Wanna see a movie?" "Sure." "Lincoln Drive-In?" The Lincoln Drive-in showed triple-x movies all night. It was right there, across from the Trevose Hilton, on Route 1. When businessman booked rooms at the Hilton, they always asked for a room on the East side, for the clear view of the movies. Once, my dad was receiving an award there and my brother and I discovered that on each floor, just as you leave the elevators, the management of the hotel had set up two comfy chairs and a big bowl of popcorn. We were not so bold to just sit there and watch for very long so we moved from floor to floor like clever spies, filling our pockets with popcorn and riding the elevators whenever the action slowed. That was the first time either of us'd seen anything like that and I was anxious to get home and put these images to some use. "Lincoln Drive-in?" I repeated. "Sure." I sat up straight and tried to look eighteen. I didn't, but my money was real. It was early but already crowded. We spotted kids sneaking out of trunks, couples already moving in cars, people openly smoking grass. We parked in a fairly unpopulated area of the lot, hung the speaker on the window and started to watch. Our mouths were open; neither said a word. At some point I ended up in the passenger seat, she behind the wheel. At the first intermission I said, "It's kinda cold over here. Join me?" She slipped under my arm, leaned back into me. The next line I still take shit for. "Um, Lisa. My lips are still cold." Yeah, yeah, I know. So we made out for a bit before my hand wandered under her sweatshirt. Her skin was warm and smooth and she didn't resist. I unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and moved my hand inside. She gasped as I fumbled around, and I realized that in her eyes I could do no wrong. An image flashed in my head of her telling her friends, later, "No, Rich *knows*. The guy is supposed to yank on it really hard. Oh yeah. Everyone knows *that*." Soon, her pants and shoes and panties were off and I was fondling her on my lap as we watched a couple of girls pretending up on the screen. I reached across her stomach and opened the glove. "Uh, I have a rubber." "You, you wanna do it?" "No. No, no, no. I was just saying...." She laughed and took the condom from me and put it back into the glove. "It's ok." Ok? Clearly this was some code I was only beginning to catch on to. Ok? Fine then. She straddled me there and started moving, her breasts doing a Moe--Curly Howard thing against my face. I remember that a pubic hair or a thread from my jeans or something must have gotten caught inside, because I know something really hurt a lot, and I winced as much as she gasped. Lisa appeared to have more energy than most track teams her age, because she kept going through the entire third movie and the first one again. Finally, I reached down, pulled out the offending thread and was able to concentrate and climax. When she got up, it all rushed out of her and she collapsed on the seat next to me and said, "Sex is soooo relaxing." I was thinking more along the lines of smelly and painful, but if you say so... "That was aMAzing." Who's to argue? We smoked a joint and she got dressed and I took her home. As I pulled onto the long, dark, newly-metaphorical country road to her house she turned on the radio. She pressed her lips against my shoulder, put her hand between my legs and, as the commercial ended and we heard the first few chord changes to that Bob Seeger song, I knew then that Goddess was my dj and I would have to become a writer. That I already was.